"A few things must present for women to get pregnant. Okay, first?"-dr sharil
"Patentcy of a tube"
"Last one is?"
"Every single thing that you all mention above can be investigated if there is history of subfertility.... For example, if there is a problem with sperm, we can do sperm analysis.
If with the ovulation, we can check the hormonal level.
If with the tube, can do laparoscopy dye test or
if the problem with the uterus, for example uterine fibroid, maybe we can do hysteroscopy."
"But there is another one more reason related to the infertility....
which is cillia movement in the fallopian tube. The one who help/facillitate the movement of ovum and the sperm.
Until now, we still dont have a useful investigation that help to diagnose infertility due to cillia dysfunction. Its really beyond our knowledge. Allah je tahu"
Nak katanya, sehebat mana pun kita rasa diri kita ni.. tapi ada juga benda-benda lain yang di luar pengetahuan kita.. yang tak dapat kita jangka. Yang tak tercapai dek akal. Yang kita still tertanya-tanya how, why, where ...
"...dan tidaklah kamu diberi pengetahuan melainkan sedikit" [al-isra':85]
Dan disebabkan itulah, how much knowledge we have pun.. please do remember that ilmu kita nak dibandingkan dengan ilmu Allah tu, cuma ibarat setitis air di lautan je pun.. betapa sedikitnya dan ceteknya ilmu kita..
So, ingat salwani... jangan rasa dh masuk 5th year ni, kau hebat gila ah.. Jalan pun pandang 1st year mcm pandang semut.. sebelah mata ja tengok.. bajet banyak knowledge...
padahal ilmu x sampai setitis air di lautan pun sebenarnya ..
nice wani...betul tu takde beza pon 1st yr dgn 5th yr...knowledge wise sama je cuma kita experience lebih skit
Setuju sangat... its just that bcoz of time factor... those jr might be a lot more better than us later in their life...nothing to be proud... the more we learn the more we realized how small we are...nice one salwani.
hai salwani. muah cikedd
Hahahaha... hai hawaaaaa...
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