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Monday, 22 June 2015


Advice from Pengarah Hospital Yan

- don't underestimate nurses/sister, learn from them
- you must have responsibility towards your patients
- be humble
- smile to your patient eventhough they scold you
- brilliant is nothing if your attitude is zero
- as a medical doctor, punctuality is important. don't be late
- niat lillahita'ala 


Unknown said...

Tung ah jumpa pengarah hospital

Unknown said...

Tung ah jumpa pengarah hospital

salwani :) said...

Yan tu district hosp azril.. xda specialist.. so mmg kna jmpa pngrah... nasib pngarah dia baik... xda keja azril baca blog orng.. dh jgn baca blog slwni.. p baca blog pakya hawa

new chapter of my life

Setelah 6 bulan menyepi. So lets start with this. Assalamualaikum Segala kepujian dan kesyukuran ke hadhrat-Mu ya Allah di atas limpah rahma...